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Why should my company send greeting cards?

Greeting cards are a thoughtful way to show appreciation and recognition. They can boost morale, strengthen relationships, and foster a sense of community within your company and with your customers. They also stand out in our digital age as a personal touch that can make a lasting impression.

When is it appropriate to send greeting cards to employees?

Sending greeting cards to employees is appropriate on several occasions, including:

  • Thanksgiving: To express gratitude for their hard work and dedication.

  • Holiday Season: To spread cheer and good wishes.

  • New Year’s: To inspire and motivate for the year ahead.

  • Birthdays: To celebrate them as individuals and make them feel special.

  • Work Anniversaries: To acknowledge their commitment and contributions.

  • Congratulations: To recognize achievements such as promotions, project completions, or other milestones.

When is it appropriate to send greeting cards to customers?

Sending greeting cards to customers is appropriate for:

  • Thanksgiving: To show appreciation for their business and loyalty.

  • Holiday Season: To wish them joy and celebrate the festive season.

  • New Year’s: To express excitement about continued partnership and opportunities.

  • Customer Anniversaries: To recognize milestones in your relationship.

  • Congratulations: For achievements or important events in their business or personal lives.

What should be included in the greeting card message?

A greeting card message should be sincere, thoughtful, and appropriate to the occasion. Here are some examples:

  • Thanksgiving: “We are grateful for your hard work and dedication. Happy Thanksgiving!”

  • Holiday Season: “Wishing you and your family a joyous holiday season!”

  • New Year’s: “Here’s to a prosperous and successful New Year!”

  • Birthdays: “Happy Birthday! Wishing you a fantastic year ahead.”

  • Anniversaries: “Congratulations on your [number] year anniversary with us. Thank you for your loyalty and commitment.”

  • Congratulations: “Great job on [specific achievement]! We’re proud to have you on our team.”

How should the greeting card be addressed?

Address the card to the individual by name to make it personal. For employees, use their first name or preferred name. For customers, consider using their full name or the name of their contact person within the company. Ensure the name is spelled correctly to show attention to detail.

Should the greeting card be handwritten or printed?

A handwritten message adds a personal touch and shows extra effort, making it more meaningful. If a handwritten note is not feasible, ensure that the printed message feels personal and thoughtful. In either case, consider including a handwritten signature for added warmth.

Is it appropriate to send digital greeting cards?

While digital greeting cards are convenient and environmentally friendly, physical cards often have a greater impact due to their tangible nature. However, if digital cards are the best option, make sure they are personalized and thoughtfully crafted.

How should the greeting card be delivered?

Deliver physical greeting cards through mail or hand them out in person if possible. For digital cards, ensure they are sent directly to the recipient’s email with a personal touch. In-office delivery for employees can be a nice gesture, while mailed cards for customers can add a touch of formality.

What are some common mistakes to avoid?

  • Misspelling the recipient’s name or using the wrong name.

  • Writing generic or impersonal messages.

  • Sending cards too late or too early for the occasion.

  • Choosing inappropriate or insensitive cards or messages.

  • Neglecting to sign the card personally.

How can my company ensure consistency in sending greeting cards?

Create a schedule and set reminders for key occasions throughout the year. Maintain a list of employees’ and customers’ important dates, such as birthdays and anniversaries. Assign someone the responsibility of overseeing the greeting card process to ensure no one is overlooked.

By following these guidelines, your company can use greeting cards to effectively show appreciation, celebrate milestones, and build stronger relationships with employees and customers.